Sunday, February 12, 2012


I thought I was going to have clear skies, warm wind, and mild temperatures, but instead, Italy decided to have its hugest freeze in decades. Thank you karma.

It is hard to admit that I have not gotten out as much as I wished. Of course, I traveled the last weekend, and have had several engagements other than classes that have brought me out of the warmth of my apartment. Other than those, though, I feel slow in my involvement of the city.

My worries are about making my food last during my three school days because I do not have good opportunities those days to go shopping. Also, should I wear both of my coats today, or will my red one do? Because of the wind, I have mostly been wearing one hat. It is the only one that latches onto my head enough every gust of wind does not blow it off. I wish to wear my beautiful kansashi (Japanese hair ornaments), but it is too cold and windy to show them off.

Jackie made the comment she could not wait for it to warm up so she could see me in my sundresses. I agree with her completely! During my laundry day this last week, I did wear one of my dresses around the house, in my slippers Aunt Moe gave me. I had no other clothes to wear! I needed to wash them all... Apparently it was a huge laugh to see me in the get-up, so there is documentation. I will post it when it has been uploaded to Facebook!

So I have spent a lot of my no-school days catching up on the blog (see the three posted Thursday!), writing in my journal, actually doing my homework, studio time on my oils painting, and cooking for next week. I must have made it to the supermercato, also. So maybe I have not been as unbusy as I thought?


Supposedly, it will by the end of this week. Fingers crossed!


  1. I'm pretty sure that that mediterranean climate that we've heard so much about is a myth that they tell to tourists to get a good laugh. The warmth is a lie.

    1. Agreed. And Global Warming is just a conspiracy to get our money. *nod*
