Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Priorities

Coming up to this Lenten season, I was unsure of what I should do to prepare myself for Easter. Already, I was not doing the same things I did a month ago. Living in an Italian apartment does not come with constant heat on cold days/nights, I have to walk a minimum of 10 minutes to every class, there is no dryer for my clothes so they are all air dried. What else was there to change in my life that had not already shown me how much I had in the USA?

My computer. It has plagued me since we got internet a few short days after my arrival in Italy. Some things on my computer are good: Skype, blogpost. I have even (mostly) not used Sims Social on Facebook. I have kept up a bit with Words with Friends, though... There has been one thing that has not changed, and maybe had increased. My use of Tumblr.

Those of you not familiar with Tumblr, it is like a blog, just mostly with pictures. Before I left for Italy, I found another use for Tumblr: roleplaying. I have a huge affinity for roleplaying. I love writing the story of a character and have other people play off in different reactions, especially reactions I would not expect. So, paragraph by paragraph, I have kept up with the crazy interactions of mixing all the Disney characters together in a room and seeing what happens.

I am giving it up. It is really hard, too. The group relies on all its players to be active so that plot moves forward. Luckily, we are in a lull right now with no villain to heckle us, so I do not feel as bad leaving for a time. I will use the "Sunday Rule" where you can break your lenten promise for the day. My day will be on Wednesdays because I will probably be traveling on Sundays.

The day before Ash Wednesday, it finally clicked on my to what I wanted to prioritize for Lent. My book. I tried to get a dent into it over winter break, but the characters were not agreeing to anything I threw at them. They kept on changing their minds... I feel that, with the atmosphere of Italy and a lot more time on my hands once I stop writing other peoples stories, I have no excuse to not work on it. I am excited!

Tumblr out and novel in. I think this Lent will be productive.

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