Sunday, January 8, 2012

Two weeks and three days...

... I can't believe it is coming so fast! It seems as though yesterday was freshman year, and I was plotting my adventure abroad. I recall arriving a week early for a retreat my freshman year and making an appointment before classes with the study abroad office to get my name into their system. A little soon, no? I recall Rosemary Sands, the Italian study abroad advisor at the time, was surprised at my appearance, but happy for my enthusiasm. Now, as a second semester Junior, I am done with the waiting!

I can honestly say that this is the first new experience I have actually dreamed about, or to say I have expectations of. So many people have given me amazing stories of their experiences, that I feel completely at ease with daydreaming up my own. I enjoy the fact that the situations I fantasize about will be thrown out the window due to my lack of knowledge on Italian culture and the people I will actually befriend.

I do have a huge concern: language. I started the LiveMocha free month trial Study Abroad Italy (SAI) offers us, and needless to say, I rock so far, but I admit that I have no confidence in the actual speaking. I only pray that the people I meet will be patient with me in my struggle because I will be putting an effort towards speaking Italian whenever possible. Wish me luck!

What do I have left to do... pack! Buy toiletries! Work... Either way, only two weeks and three days!


  1. I wouldn't worry too much about stumbling in the language. Italians are pretty patient with foreigners, and very gracious to people who try to speak their language.

    1. Thanks for the reassurance! That makes me feel better. ^_^

  2. I wouldn't worry too much about stumbling in the language. Italians are pretty patient with foreigners, and very gracious to people who try to speak their language.
