Monday, January 23, 2012

I'm off!!

Will you look at that? I can't believe it--I leave tomorrow!

After all the packing and repacking to get the required weight for my checked bag and the scanning of all my documents, I finally have settled down to write this.

I now realize the things I will miss. My college friends who are totally awesome and take me as I am even when I'm being fecisious. I have to make new friends! I always forget how daunting this task is for an introvert like myself. Hopefully someone in the program likes anime! I'll miss my family. I don't see them during the school year much anyhow, but it will be weird not having them coming up to seem me. I have a feeling I will miss certain books I cannot bring due to weight/size requirements...

Getting closer to this experience has also humbled me so much. Many people have given me their support in so many different ways. It makes me feel more and more like I'm supposed to be going where I am going. I am honored so many people think highly enough of me to go out of their way to make sure I meet the goals I have set out for myself. Thank you, everyone!

I do believe it is almost 11:30pm right now. I will be waking up at 6 or so, so I'd best get to bed! Love you all!


  1. Have a wonderful flight, Mikaela, and just remember if you get lonely or homesick: this move is for a few months. This semester will fly by and you will be back home before you know it. While you're abroad take advantage of the country you're in, learn about it, learn to love it, and explore. Get outside your comfort zone and embrace opportunities presented to you - especially to get to know your part of the world a bit better! If you have a chance, travel to other countries (like, I don't know - perhaps Scotland to see me? :D). If you take the time to really live in the moment while away, you will return home with so many stories and so many great memories. And as for making friends, I am sure you will meet many many people who will also accept you just as you are. You are a great person. People would be foolish not to like you! :)

    All the best,

  2. I hope all your traveling to get there is going smoothly. After you do manage to get there, the rest of the semester just seems easy in comparison. ;)
    I know you're going to make tons of friends. Your program will be filled with so many different people and you'll fit right in. :) And definitely don't worry about missing any books. I felt the exact same way when I left, and I never missed them once while I was there. There is just too much to do!
    Have tons of fun! :) I can't wait to hear about everything.
