Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 1 - Run! (Getting to Scotland)

Day 1
Friday, March 16th, 2012
Run! - Getting to Scotland

Even after planning something out, the plans may and will go array. A margin of error or possible mishaps should be taken into account beforehand. A plan going wrong may be due to over-thinking that plan, or not fully understanding the details in the plan. The start of this trip had both of those options applicable, and no side-tracking was allowed. This is a method for chaos.

A little update to my personal status at this time. Last blog post I ranted how my asthma had been acting up in a bad way. By the time for the trip, it had gotten to the point that I had strength back in my body, but my lungs were still irritated and my nose ran. I was in good spirits, though, and ready to take on the trip!

Jackie's and my first order of action was the train from Florence to Rome. We had bought the tickets the day beforehand so that would be one less thing to worry about. It was going to take a little over three hours to get to Rome. We arrived in good time to get the ticket validated and headed onto the train excited for our journey.

Well, everyone turned up for the party because even ten minutes early, we had to stand for the first hour of the train ride. I have a feeling that as long as everyone who bought a second class ticket is not going to the same stop, they can fill the train with as many people as possible.

Finally seated, we enjoyed the ride more relaxed. The couple in front of us was nice, though we each kept to ourselves. In good Italy/Europe fashion, they managed to snog a few sessions until they got off.

The train had some weird air conditioning that was probably meant to be nice to the poor passengers, but all it did was make the air unbearably dry. Very difficult to breathe, even for Jackie...

Time became more obvious as our journey ended and my opening paragraph comes into light. When I had made the plans, I figured that the shuttle bus would take 40 minutes to get the airport. I had not factored in the extra local train needed to get to the Ciampino part of Rome that would take 30 minutes (and leave 10 minutes late). I am not sure where that disconnect in my research went (in all honesty, there are two airports in Rome. I swear I was looking at the right one!). So, forty minutes we did not have plus the forty minutes of the bus we now definitely did not have was going to make us at least a half-an-hour late for our plane. Our journey was going to end before it began!

On the train to Ciampino, Jackie and I sat next to a lady named Adelina. She is from Guatemala, lived in the US, and is married to an Italian. Certainly, she was an angel because she gave us directions on how to possibly make our flight on time. Well, maybe not 'on time,' but just make it! We talked about other cool things too (like her kids, our majors, etc), but the last bit is most important. I definitely started saying 'Hail Mary's' perpetually from here on out.

Under the instructions she gave us, we rushed over to the taxis off the train. Jackie told them in Italian that we had to get to the airport. Fast! The gents were all good-natured and shoved us into one of the vans and sped off. The guy was really cool and even took a shortcut to get us to the airport. He told us to 'Correre!' (Run!) and we did.

From there on out, I am not sure how we managed. With 10 minutes to get through security and passport stamping, it looked bleak. Finally, we got the courage and Jackie began to ask in Italian if we could cut since our plane was leaving, like, now. Everyone was very cool and let us cut, shoving us forward. Once we got to the lady at the front of the security line, though, she declined us entrance. Why? Turns out you need a 'visa stamp' on your printed ticket at the front desk! First-time-Ryanair-flyers we are. So we ran to the desk, got our stamp, was told to run, which we did, back to the front of the line. I definitely wore my shoes through the metal dectector. All the security people had smiles and just let us silly Americans through.

Now, for 'international' flights out of Italy, one needs to get her passport stamped. Some odd customs thing? I do not know. Well, the gent at the desk must have seen us running like crazy across the small airport (literally one room, thank God). Still, he spent a good minute on each of our passports making sure we were the person on the card. Jackie is certain he did that on purpose. I will not deny it.

No one is at our gate anymore because, obviously, they were all on the shuttle to the plane! The ticket lady had to radio the shuttle to stop so we could get on. She asked to see my passport. I handed it to her, not really thinking, and them she ordered me to open it up. I should have know that, so I said sorry and acknowledged out loud that I had no head at the moment. To which she agreed, which was harsh, but true.

Shuttle, then plane! Everything was packed. A lot of people to Edinburgh tonight! One on the plane (and after realizing our attendants were probably Scottish and I could speak English to them), I was not sure if Jackie and I would be able to sit next to each other. On Ryanair flights, you get to choose your own seat. I found two seats next to a well-dressed older man. I was not sure how to ask in Italian if we could sit next to him, so I just said 'per favore' and indicated the seats. He motioned yes. Turns out, though, I could have asked him in English. He seemed to be a professor or researcher of sorts because I saw him either correcting a paper or fixing a draft of his own in English. Later, on his laptop, I saw Greek.

All Jackie and I could do was giggle and express disbelief. We made it! Now we had a 3+ hour trip to Edinburgh. I used my inhaler a lot in the air because of all the activity I had found myself in the last few hours. Overall, though, I was grateful we had gotten that far.

We talked a lot of the way, then used her coat as a pillow between us to get some shut-eye.

So, the Italians do this thing when there is take-off and landing. They cheer. It is kinda cute and appropriate for a successful flight.

Made it to Edinburgh before time! Do not ask how that happened when we definitely made the plane late. First order of business was to get out of the gate. So we walked through the doors indicating that you cannot come back once you go through. Fair enough. Upon walking through, a voice started yelling, "Private. Authorized personnel only." Quickly, we jumped out of the room startled, along with a British girl. All three of us were confused. How are we supposed to get out if the room to go through was not allowed? I thought we stumbled upon a secret lab (it looked like it!) that popped up in the room from another dimension.

Other travelers walked through just fine as we stood outside the doors. No more voice. My theory must be correct. Mind as well go through ourselves.

Pick up some pounds (I have been using euros in Italy), then off to the taxi line! I had written Kristin's address on a slip of paper to give to the taxi driver. After showing it to a guy at a desk, he indicated me over to the taxi driver. He spoke something, too, but it was in fast, heavy Scottish, so I totally missed it. Welcome to Scotland!

The driver's name was John, and we had good conversation with him. This was actually our first time in a backwards car. Italy uses the right side of the rode. Scotland, England, and Ireland use the left (stated for the places I was to travel the next few days). It was dark, so we only saw the silhouettes of the places John pointed out as we made our way across town. I could not wait for tomorrow!

We arrived at Kristen's place, a bit new on the map so we took only one wrong turn getting there.

I called Kristen, and after I took the country 011 off, we connected. She greeted us warmly at the ground floor of her building. it was probably after 11:30pm when we arrived. She had been watching our plane on the net, which was really cool of her.

Kristen, the ever lovely hostess, made us hot chocolate and brought out some Scottish shortbread for us to enjoy. As we caught up and Jackie and her were introduced, I enjoyed the hot chocolate and a breathing treatment. Kristen had prepared her guest room for us. We even had our own bathroom! That will be a story for the next post, though.

We made it to Edinburgh! Only the start of our adventure. Pictures soon!

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